16 doubles teams participated
The Tennis tournament was an open challenge for all ISM community members to participate in. Students, alumni, and even the ISM academic staff competed to score first in the „Rector’s Cup”.
The event was hosted by ISM Career Center together with ISM Bachelor’s students Jaunius Treigys and Vilius Černiauskas.

Winners of the Bachelor’s division
- 1st place – Indrė Baranauskaitė and Simas Baranauskas;
- 2nd place – Brigita Jonaitienė and Kipras Jonaitis;
- 3rd place – Viktorija Čijunskytė and Gediminas Buivydas.
Winners of the Master’s division
- 1st place – Vytautas Labeckas and Tadas Skairys;
- 2nd place – Juozas Vainora and Darius Ringaitis;
- 3rd place – Tomas Bagdanskis and Mantas Mikalopas.
Event Sponsors
ISM expresses strong gratitude to the partners, who generously awarded the tournament’s participants and winners: