Quality of ISM
Quality Policy
The University shall ensure and enhance quality in all its activities- teaching and learning, programmes, research, and services through a regular review and continuous improvement process.
Aims of Quality Assurance and Enhancement
- Alignment with Vision and Mission: Ensure that all quality assurance and enhancement activities are aligned with the University’s vision, mission, values, and strategy, supporting ISM’s commitment to making a sustainable change and achieving its long-term goals.
- Development of a Quality Culture: Promote and cultivate a quality culture within the university, ensuring that all university members are involved and committed to continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence in all areas of activity.
- Secure Academic Standards: Ensure that ISM awards are in line with national and international requirements, such as European Guidelines and Standards for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ESG, 2015), AACSB and FIBAA, providing assurance to applicants, students, graduates, and the public about the quality and rigor of ISM academic programs.
- Maintain Curriculum Relevance: Continuously update and align curricula with external expectations, including those of future students, employers, and external experts, to ensure that ISM graduates are well-prepared for the evolving demands of the global job market.
- Enhance Student Learning Experience: Assure and continuously improve the academic quality of the student learning experience by providing excellent and effective forms of teaching, assessment, and support. This enables students to achieve their individual potential and develop the skills needed for successful professional outcomes after graduation.
- Develop Faculty and Professional Staff Competence: Assure and continuously enhance the competences of faculty and professional staff through ongoing professional development, support, and evaluation, ensuring that faculty and professional staff members are equipped to deliver high-quality education and contribute to the school’s academic and research excellence.
- Stakeholder Engagement: Actively involve all stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and employers, in quality assurance and enhancement processes to ensure that ISM meets their needs and expectations, fostering a collaborative and inclusive academic environment.
- Data-Driven Decision Making: Ensure that quality assurance and enhancement-related decisions are based on relevant data. This includes the systematic collection, analysis, and use of data to inform improvements and ensure evidence-based practices.
- Open Communication: Promote open communication of the results from internal and external quality assessments. Transparency in sharing these results with stakeholders is essential to maintaining trust and fostering a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.
ISM Quality Assurance Framework is informed by:
- The Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)
- Principles and requirements of the Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher education https://www.skvc.lt/default/en/quality-assurance/about-quality-assurance
- The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Business Standards https://www.aacsb.edu/accreditation/standards/business
ISM stakeholders are represented in the following University bodies and Committees:
- The Board
- The Senate
- University Academic Committees: Study, Faculty Assessment and Promotion
- Bachelor and Master Thesis Defense Committees
- New Programme Development Groups
- Self-Assessment Groups of Study Fields and the University
To ensure continuous quality monitoring and assessment, ISM collects and analyzes information from its main stakeholders through:
- Mid-term Program Director-Students meetings
- End-of-semester student surveys
- End-of-year student surveys
- Student surveys on the quality of mobility programs
- End-of-year faculty surveys on student engagement, administrative support, facilities, and achievement of module/course aims
- Student surveys on the quality of bachelor and master thesis supervision
- Graduate surveys on competencies gained during studies at ISM
- Graduate career destinations tracking
- Internship supervisors’ reports
- Additional surveys as required by the Study or other departments
- Students’ Exit survey
ISM students are provided with extensive support and guidance:
- Academic Support: Provided by Program Directors, Module/Course leaders, and faculty members through individual and group consultations
- Mobility Opportunities: Consultations provided by the International Office
- Career Support: The Career Centre offers consultations on CV writing, motivation letters, job interview preparation, and career planning
- Career Mentoring: Available from ISM Career and Partnerships cener, ISM alumni and business partners.
- Financial Support: Offered to the best students who would otherwise be unable to study at ISM
- Psychological Consultations: Available for student well-being
- Support for Students with Special Needs: Tailored services and accommodations to ensure all students have equal access to educational opportunities and resources.
Faculty Development
ISM is committed to the continuous professional growth of its faculty and staff. We achieve this by organizing a variety of development activities, including:
- Winter and Summer Academies: Intensive training sessions that provide opportunities for faculty to deepen their expertise and engage with the latest developments in their fields.
- “Brown Bag” Sessions: Informal gatherings where faculty can share research findings, discuss new ideas, and collaborate on projects during lunch breaks.
- Seminars: Regularly scheduled seminars featuring guest speakers, industry experts, and academic leaders who present on a wide range of topics relevant to faculty interests and needs.
- Writing Retreats: Dedicated time and space for faculty to focus on academic writing, supported by peers and mentors to enhance productivity and output.
- Individual Consultations with Renowned Researchers: One-on-one meetings with leading researchers to receive personalized guidance, feedback, and mentorship on research projects and academic endeavors.
- Regular internal and external training sessions to enhance faculty skills in integrating technologies into teaching and research processes.
ISM publishes information on:
- Vision, mission, values: https://www.ism.lt/apie-ism/; ISM Strategy 2020-2025
ISM management bodies: https://www.ism.lt/en/about-ism/
Annual Reports: https://www.ism.lt/en/about-ism/
Programme accreditation decisions: https://www.ism.lt/en/about-ism/quality-ism/
Institutional Accreditation decisions: https://www.ism.lt/en/about-ism/quality-ism/
Students and Alumni survey results: https://www.ism.lt/en/about-ism/quality-ism/
Support for students with disabilities: https://www.ism.lt/en/admission/,
Financing: https://www.ism.lt/en/financing/,
Mobility opportunities: https://international.ism.lt/,
Support for Full-time international students: https://international.ism.lt/full-time-international-students/,
Support for exchange students: https://international.ism.lt/international-exchange-students/,
Career Centre: https://careercenter.ism.lt/en/,
Counseling and Psychological Wellbeing: https://www.ism.lt/en/counselling/,
Student Clubs: https://www.ism.lt/en/student-clubs-and-organizations/,
Ethics Committee: https://www.ism.lt/en/about-ism/academic-ethics/
International Accreditations
Internal Quality Assurance
Students’ feedback on the quality of studies:
- 2017 Spring
- 2017 Fall
- 2018 Spring
- 2018 Fall
- 2019 Spring
- 2019 Fall
- 2020 Spring
- 2020 Fall
- 2021 Spring
- 2021 Fall
- 2022 Spring
- 2022 Fall
- 2023 Spring
- 2023 Fall
- 2024 Spring
Assurance of learning (AoL) results: HERE.
Employers’ survey results:
Quality Assurance Documents
- Institutional Action Improvement Plan
- ISM Regulations of Bachelor Studies (2024-2025)
- ISM Regulations of International Master and Educational Leadership studies (2024-2025)
- ISM Regulations of MBA Studies (2024-2025)
- ISM Policy on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning
- Procedure for Recognition of Periods of studies at other Higher Education Institutions
- Rules for Academic Recognition of Foreign Qualifications
- Procedure for Submission and Consideration of Applications and Appeals
External Quality Assessment
Institutional Accreditation
ISM University of Management and Economics was accredited for a period of seven years on 12 August 2021.
You are kindly invited to familiarize yourself with the experts’ conclusions: ISM akreditacija
ISM University of Management and Economics was accredited for a period of six years on 14 August 2012. Accreditation term was extended until next periodical institutional review in 2021.
You are kindly invited to familiarize yourself with the order on accreditation: Institutional-review. And the experts’ conclusions: Order-on-Institutional-Accreditation
Accreditation of Economics field study programmes
An international group of experts of FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation, Germany) performed an external expert assessment of the Economics, Economics and Politics and Financial Economics study programmes of ISM University on 14-15 November 2018. The group of experts consisted of: Prof. Dr. Petra Jordanov, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Jerger, Prof. Dr. Tomas Kačerauskas, Robert Kotal ir Sarae El-Mourabit.
During the visit, the experts met the social partners of ISM University: students, lecturers, employees of the administration, partners of the institution, and assessed the internal study quality assurance system of the university, compliance thereof with the qualitative and quantitative criteria, strategic management of the institution, scientific activities, consistency of the lifelong learning conditions with the provisions of higher education of Lithuania and Europe as well as the impact of the activities of the university on the country and region.
You are kindly invited to familiarize yourself with the experts’ conclusions:
Economics: Economics-Assessment-Report
Economics and Politics: Economics-and-Politics-Assessment-Report
Financial Economics: Financial-Economics-Assessment-Report
Accreditation of Marketing Study Field Programmes
2021 – International Marketing and Management: Marketing_accreditation_2022
Accreditation of Business Study Field Programmes
You are kindly invited to familiarize yourself with the official conclusions of the external assessment of Business study field: Evaluation report and accreditation decision
Accreditation of Management Study Field Programmes
You are kindly invited to familiarize yourself with the official conclusions of the external assessment of Finance study field: Evaluation report