After the country’s universities started announcing updated admission conditions, the ISM University of Management and Economics clarified that last year it decided not to lower the minimum admission score, and the decision remains unchanged. Starting this year, a new procedure came into force in Lithuania when the requirements for admission to higher education institutions were changed. According to ISM rector Dr. Dalius Misiūnas, the amendments to the law enable universities to lower the entry bar, which may affect the quality of studies in Lithuania.
At the end of last year, the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sports announced that according to the amendments to the Law on Education and Studies, from 2024, three state exams will be mandatory for graduates enrolling in university studies (previously, two exams were obligatory), and a requirement to have an average of at least 36 points will be introduced. The requirement of a minimum competitive score previously established by the Ministry for admission to state-funded studies is abolished.
“We hear different interpretations of this new order, but our position is firm: if universities only comply with the minimum new requirements, it may affect the quality of studies. Quality is a priority at ISM, which is why we have decided to maintain the minimum competitive score of 5.4. We took this decision without hesitation because we started pre-admissioning students to bachelor’s studies as early as January,” says Dr. Misiūnas.

ISM University’s decision is related to the desire to continue to attract the most motivated graduates with the highest academic achievements.
“Students come here expecting high-quality studies; we feel committed to offering high-standard education, and we will stick to this commitment,” emphasizes Aistė Karoblė, head of ISM’s Admissions Department.

Currently, 1,200 undergraduate students are studying at ISM University; half of them study with an ISM scholarship.
Learn more about ISM Bachelor’s degree studies. HERE.